The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best IELTS Preparation Courses | RPI College
The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best IELTS Preparation Courses | RPI College

Choosing the best IELTS preparation courses can make all the difference, but since there are many IELTS preparation classes to choose from, selecting one that fits your schedule and meets your learning style can be challenging. To help you overcome this challenge, we have created the ultimate guide to the IELTS exam, including types of exam, characteristics of a good course and the factors you should consider to make the best choice possible. 

Before you begin the process of looking for the right IELTS preparation course, it is important to get a clearer picture of what the IELTS exam is and why you need to take it.


What is IELTS?

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is an internationally recognised English language proficiency test for non-native English speakers. A key thing to know is that it is accepted and trusted by over 12,000 institutions (and yes, that includes higher education institutions as well) in 140 countries. There are different types of IELTS exams to suit various needs, that’s why it’s important to find the right test for you before choosing the IELTS preparation course and classes. 


Types of IELTS Exam 

The goal of any IELTS exam is to help you have a successful journey whether you’re moving to a country for study, work or any other purpose. IELTS test types can generally be divided into two categories:


IELTS Academic: IELTS Academic is the best option for you if you want to study in an English-speaking country. It is accepted by universities, higher education institutions and professional bodies in different sectors. 


IELTS General Training: If you want to migrate to countries like Australia, Canada, New Zealand, or the UK where English is the primary mode of communication or plan to train or study at a level below degree-level in these countries, then IELTS General Training is the test you should choose.


RPI College offers an IELTS Exam Preparation Course as well as an IELTS Intensive Course. Both are aimed to prepare IELTS candidates for the Academic and General Training versions of the exam.


Understanding Your IELTS Preparation Needs


Once you have decided which IELTS test you would like to take, then it is time to prepare for your examination. You need to think about the four key points below before you can look into which IELTS preparation classes are most suitable for you.


1. Check your current English language proficiency level to choose the best IELTS preparation course. You can do this by taking signing up on our website to take our free placement test.

2. Be clear about the band score you want to achieve and look for classes that can help you reach that goal. 

3. Identify your strengths and weaknesses in English listening, reading, writing, and speaking

4. Explore your learning style. Would you be comfortable with physical classrooms or self-paced online learning?


Key Features of the Best IELTS Preparation Courses


There are some key factors that make an IELTS preparation course a great fit. These include:  


Experienced teachers: Look for IELTS preparation classes taught by qualified teachers with experience in preparing students for the IELTS exam. They will know how to help you improve your skills for the exam. 


Course structure: Opt for well-structured IELTS preparation courses that focus on helping you improve and develop your skills and exam techniques so that you reach your goal.  


Learning style: Search for IELTS preparation classes that match your learning style and fit your schedule. If you lead a busy life, you can always take online IELTS courses. Online classes offer you the flexibility to learn in your own time. 


Tips for Making the Most of Your IELTS Preparation Classes


Deciding which IELTS preparation course to take is not the end of your journey to achieving your dream score. In fact, the journey really starts when you begin attending your classes. Here are very simple but useful tips on how to get the most out of your IELTS preparation classes. By applying the following practical tips, you will be able to develop the necessary skills and achieve your target score in the IELTS exam. 


Regularly attend your classes: Do not miss your IELTS preparation classes. Attend all the classes and actively participate in discussions.  


Target your weak areas: Rather than focusing on what you already know, target the areas that need improvement. Make a point of working on them regularly. 


Practice time management: During the IELTS exam, you will be presented with a number of questions, and you will have a limited amount of time to answer them. Take practice mock exams under timed conditions to learn how to answer all the questions. 


Reach out to your teachers: If there is a section of the exam you do not understand, don't hesitate to ask your teachers. It's important that you clarify all your doubts and questions before the exam. 


It’s not easy to find the right IELTS preparation course, but with this ultimate guide, we believe that you will be able to make the right choices. Our IELTS courses can help you improve your listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills to achieve your target IELTS band score.  


Our IELTS preparation classes will equip you with the skills to respond to various circumstances in an English-speaking environment by enhancing your fluency in the English language. Our teachers will equip you with exam strategies and tips to attain your desired score. Join RPI College today to make your academic, professional, and personal dreams come true! 


Source: English Path

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7 Smart Conversation Topics for English Learners | RPI College
7 Smart Conversation Topics for English Learners | RPI College

Learning English opens doors to exciting opportunities. But sometimes, finding things to talk about can be hard. It can feel like climbing Mount Everest, especially when you have just started learning English. But no need to worry! RPI College is here to make it easier.


We'll help you find smart English topics for conversation. These topics will not only help you to enjoy talking more with others but also improve your speaking skills as you learn. So, start with these interesting conversation topics for English learners, and soon, you won't need to think of topics to talk about. Ideas will come to you with ease. Let’s begin! 


1. Practise Your Greetings and Introductions


Starting a conversation with someone you've just met can be difficult. You might be unsure about what to say and what things you can talk about. That's where plain old greetings and introductions come in. Practise saying common phrases like "Hello," "How are you?" and "Nice to meet you." Introduce yourself, say your name, where you're from, and what you like. You can also ask the other person about themselves. These basic introductions will help you meet new people and make talking in English easier.


2. Talk About Your Day


When you can’t think you can always talk about your daily activities! Talk about your day! What did you have for breakfast this morning? Do you like to take a walk or go for a run every morning? Share these everyday bits of your life with others using expressions like "The funniest thing happened today…" or "Do you know that I…" It is also an excellent opportunity for you to practise new words and phrases and learn to talk in different everyday situations.


3. Share Your Likes and Dislikes


One of the best English topics for conversation is talking about your likes and dislikes. You can share your favourite foods, the places you like to visit, sports that you like or music you're into. You can talk about anything really! Also, remember to try and get your speaking partner to do the same. Conversations about your likes and dislikes will help you learn new words and improve your skills. It will also allow you to express yourself better with others in English.


4. Explore the City Where You’re Learning English


RPI College is located in North Vancouver, BC. If you study with us, you can explore North Vancouver and Vancouver with your classmates or people you meet there. Together, you can discover new things and learn about the local culture! Try asking your conversation partner about their favourite restaurants, secret spots, places, or special traditions. You can use phrases like "I want to try…" or "What's the most interesting thing about this city?" It’ll show that you're interested in different things and will help you make friends too.


5. Travelling Through Time with Memories


Sharing memories is one of the best conversation topics for English learners. It allows you to look back on some of the great experiences you’ve had as you continue to build your language skills. Do you remember a childhood moment or a memorable trip when you had a good time? You can talk about it and share those memories with others! Use words to talk about things that happened in the past, like "I went" or "I saw." Describe the details to paint a picture with your words. Ask your conversation partner about their experiences too! Use sentences like "Tell me about the time…" or "Have you ever been to…?" It will help both of you share your stories and get to know each other better.


6. Play the Game of "What If"


You can play a game with your conversation partner. It's like dreaming about different things that could happen. For example, if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Would you want to travel in time or be able to read minds? These kinds of questions are called ‘hypothetical questions’, and they're perfect way to continue a conversation in English! They help to get your mind working and you can practise using modal verbs like "could" and "would." You can share your own ideas and listen to others sharing their thoughts as well. It's a fun way to be creative and have fun talking to others!


7. Start a Conversation About Art


Think about things you really love, like your favourite book, movie, or song. You can talk about these art-related topics with others! Say what you like about it, using words that describe how it makes you feel, like "thrilling," "exciting," or "catchy." Also, ask your friends what they like! Use sentences like "Have you seen…?" or "What kind of music do you enjoy?" It might help you find new things you both like and become friends with people who share similar interests. Talking about art is like sharing a piece of your heart with someone else!


Bonus Tip: Don't forget the power of non-verbal communication! Even if English is new for you, your body can still say a lot. Smile as it makes people feel happy, make eye contact to show that you're paying attention, and use gestures to explain things and add clarity to your words.


Always remember that the secret to having good conversations is genuine interest and active listening. Ask more questions about what you hear, show your excitement, and don't be afraid to make mistakes. The only wrong thing you can say is nothing at all. Learning English is like going on an adventure, and every time you talk, you learn something new! So don't be shy; go out there and explore various English topics for conversation to improve your speaking skills.


If you want to take your English skills to the next level, join us at RPI College! We can help you learn this global language and introduce more fun and interesting conversation topics for English learners. Have fun on your language adventure!



Source: English Path

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10 Tips for Writing an Email in English | RPI College
10 Tips for Writing an Email in English | RPI College

Emails have become an important part of our daily lives. We use them to connect with friends and family and communicate with our colleagues at work. In 2022, there were 4.26 billion email users worldwide, and this number is expected to reach 4.73 billion users by 2026.


As a result, emails have become a really popular way to connect with people, especially at work, since they allow you to talk to people both locally and internationally. However, writing good work emails in English can be difficult if you're still learning this global language. Today, we'll give you ten tips for writing an email in English.


*Please note RPI College also offers an RP Writing course.


The Basic Format for Writing an English Email


Before we learn about the tips for writing an email, it’s important to understand the different parts of a professional email. There are usually five main parts, but they can change based on who you're emailing and why. Let's learn more about these formats and write professional English emails. 


1. Greeting: This part is about how you say hello to the person you're emailing. Your greeting should be polite and professional so that the person you're emailing feels respected and valued.


2. Introduction: Here, you explain the reason for your email and give the reader/recipient background information if needed. It can be anything from following up on an earlier conversation to mentioning an attachment in the opening line or even asking a question.


3. Body: This is where you write the main part of your message. The key thing is to be clear and not write too much because people might not have the time to read long emails. If you have a lot of things to say, you can use bullet points or lists to make it easier to read.


4. Closing: It's important to say goodbye to the person you are emailing and you can also end your email by thanking them for their time. There are different ways to do this, like saying "Thank you," "Best regards," or "Sincerely."


5. Signature: When you send an email, it's important to include your full name and any contact information the reader might need to reach you. This is called a signature. It helps the reader know who sent the message and how to contact you if they have any questions.


Now that you understand the basic structures of an email, let's look at some helpful tips for writing good English emails for work. 


Tips for Writing an Email in English for Working Professionals


Here are ten useful tips for writing an email in English for work that are easy to understand, get your point across, and help you to avoid any issues. Let's get started!


1. The subject line should explain what the email is about

The subject line is the first thing the reader sees. So, you need to make sure that it is clear and to the point. Instead of just saying "Hi," you can write something like "Meeting reminder: Discussion about the social calendar." Keep it short and sweet!


2. Greet the reader properly and in a respectful manner

Start your email with a friendly greeting to create a good impression. If you're writing a formal email, you can use "Dear" followed by the person's name, like "Dear Jessica" or "Dear Mr. Smith." For informal emails, you can just say, "Hi John!" Just remember to be polite and show respect.


3. Introduce yourself clearly in the opening line

When you send an email to someone for the first time, introduce yourself clearly in the first line by mentioning your name and what you want to talk about. For example, you can say “Hi, I’m Adam and I am reaching out to discuss…” or “Ginny here, wanting to discuss….” If there's any important information that can help the person understand why your message was sent, you should include that too.

4. Try to keep all your English emails short and to the point

Be clear and direct about why you're writing. Remember, nobody wants to read a lengthy email, so use short sentences and paragraphs to make it easy to read. Get straight to the point with something like "I'm writing to ask you about…" or "I hope you're doing well! I wanted to share…". Remember, one email, one topic! Use bullet points to highlight important information. For example, “I need your help with…,” or “I'm available on…,” or even “Can you let me know by…?”


5. Use the right words and tone when writing a professional email

When you are writing a work email, it's important to choose your words carefully. Be polite and use professional language. For casual emails, you can be more relaxed but still avoid using slang or being too informal. Also, think about the tone of your message. If you want to sound friendly, use words like "please" and "thank you." If you are trying to deal with an issue, explain it nicely to maintain a good relationship. Remember, being polite is always important!


6. Organise your thoughts in a clear and logical way

When you're writing an email, take a few extra minutes to organise your thoughts and your message. Start with the main point or purpose of your message, and then provide more details. Finally, end with a clear sentence that tells the reader what you want them to do next.


7. Proofread your emails to check for errors

Always proofread your email before sending it. Check for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. Read it out loud to yourself to hear if it sounds right and is easy to understand. You can also use spell-checkers and grammar tools to help you improve your writing.


8. Show respect for different cultures in your emails

When you talk to people from different cultures, it's important to respect different customs and traditions. This includes how you say hello, how formal you are, and how you communicate. Try to be friendly and positive and avoid being negative or rude. This will create a welcoming environment for everyone.


9. End your English email with a professional signature

When you send an email, it's important to have a closing phrase and signature at the end. If you're writing a formal email, you can use phrases like "Sincerely" or "Best Regards.” But if it's a more casual email, "Thank you" or "Best" will be fine. Your signature should have your full name, position, company or organisation, and contact information like your company phone number and email address.


10. Don’t let your mistakes stop you from writing better emails

Don't be afraid to make mistakes; everyone does! Just keep practising, and soon, you will be able to write emails like a champ! Remember, if you want to learn how to write professional English emails, join RPI College! Our team of experienced teachers are always here to help you on your English language journey!


Remember, the more you practise, the better you'll get! By following these tips for writing an email, you'll become more confident and skilled at emailing in English. So, go ahead and try them out!


Source: English Path

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The Importance of the IELTS Exam | RPI College
The Importance of the IELTS Exam | RPI College

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language test for work, study, and migration.


The test assesses your English-language ability across the four skills: Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking. Also, you can choose between the Academic or General Training versions of the test. The Academic IELTS is required for university or college admission, while the General Training IELTS is intended for career and immigration purposes.


In this blog post, we will explain why IELTS is important and how you can benefit from it.


Why Take the IELTS Test? 


1. For Academics – Thousands of the world’s most reputable universities and colleges will accept your IELTS results as evidence of your English language proficiency.


2. For Professionals − Professional registration bodies in many fields will accept an IELTS result, including accounting, engineering, law, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and teaching bodies in many countries. This means that after completing your studies, you may need to take the test to gain professional registration in an English-speaking country. If you choose IELTS as the test you take to enter university, you will be familiar with the IELTS test format when you sit it again for professional registration.


3. For Migration – IELTS is accepted by governments in more countries than any other English language test as a requirement for permanent residency. The governments of the UK, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand accept IELTS results. The IELTS score you need depends on the requirements of your visa.


IELTS Advantages and Benefits 


1. Globally Recognized Test

Accepted by over 11,000 organizations around the world, IELTS is the world's most recognized English language test that is trusted by the immigration authorities in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada.


2. Your IELTS, Your Choice

Life is full of choices and making the right decision for your future is important. With IELTS, you are given choices before and after the test ensuring you are best placed for your future:

- With IELTS, you can choose how you want to take your test - on paper or on computer.

- You can choose between the Academic or General Training versions of the test.

- You can choose to take the test for work, study, or migration.

- You can choose a test date and location convenient to you, with over 1,400 test locations globally across 56 countries.


3. Taking the IELTS Test Can Enhance Your Employment Prospects

Excellent communication skills are essential these days as fifty-five countries have English as their first language. Demonstrating a good command of the language could open up options for you to pursue a career in a foreign country!


Many countries such as New Zealand and Canada require you to go beyond ‘conversational’ English. Instead, to gain employment in these countries, you need to demonstrate that you are a ‘competent’ user of the language by achieving a particular score in your IELTS test.


4. IELTS Develops Your English Language Skills

The IELTS test assesses the four language skills – Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading. Through our IELTS Exam Preparation course, and our IELTS Intensive course, you will learn various study tips that will help enhance your English language skills.


5. IELTS Reflects Communication in Real Life

Unlike other tests which have an automated speaking test, IELTS involves a live interaction between you and the examiner. This helps to mimic real-world conversations such as interactions with your neighbors and colleagues, better preparing you for life in a foreign country.


6. IELTS Helps You Achieve Your Future Goals in Life

The IELTS test helps you to set clear goals and motivates you to study harder. When you lack clear objectives and goals, it's easy to not study as hard, or wait until the very last minute. With the IELTS test, the goals are clearly defined so it helps to motivate you to study on a daily basis, which also improves your English skills.


Ready to take IELTS? We’re always here to help!


At RPI College, we pride ourselves on providing outstanding customer service to ensure our test takers have the best possible experience when taking their IELTS test. That means that they are fully prepared from taking either our IELTS Exam Preparation course, or our IELTS Intensive course. Our team of IELTS experts are ready to help with any questions that you have!





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6 Things NOT to Do When Learning to Speak English | RPI College
6 Things NOT to Do When Learning to Speak English | RPI College

1. Don’t Be Embarrassed to Speak

There is only one way to learn how to speak English, and that is to open your mouth and speak English! You can make excuses for why you don’t want to speak, like saying that you’re too embarrassed to speak, but these won’t get you any closer to your goal of achieving English fluency. It doesn’t matter if you have a small vocabulary, or if your pronunciation isn’t perfect. The only way to improve is to open your mouth and speak.

2. Don’t Be Afraid of Making Mistakes

Another thing you shouldn’t do when speaking English is to be afraid of making mistakes. Nobody speaks perfect English. Even native English speakers make mistakes. The only way you can avoid making mistakes is by not trying at all. If you aren’t making mistakes, you aren’t practicing your speaking enough.

3. Don’t Apologize for Your Proficiency Level

As a native English speaker, I don’t understand why someone would apologize for how much English they speak. I’ve never been offended by someone’s level of English, and I don’t get upset when someone makes mistakes. Personally, I would rather have someone genuinely trying to speak English in an effort to practice and improve it, than be timid and apologetic in regard to their proficiency level. Achieving fluency in any language is a process that takes time, and you can’t expect to become fluent overnight. Whether you’ve been studying English for years or only for a few months, you’ve put in a lot of work to get where you are, so don’t underestimate yourself.

4. Don’t Get Frustrated with Yourself

Learning English will come with a certain amount of frustration. At some point you will come to a stage where you won’t be able to fully express yourself like you would be able to in your native language, and there will be times when you won’t be able to find the right word to say. Everyone who learns English goes through this phase; it’s just a natural part of the language learning process.

5. Don’t Take it Personally when People Don’t Understand You

At some point in your English-speaking career, you are going to speak to someone who, no matter how hard you try just can’t seem to understand you. Due to the large number of English speakers in the world, there is a wide range of accents, some of which are hard to understand. For example, I have a hard time understanding Irish accents, even though they could be speaking perfect English.

6. Don’t Compare Yourself to Other English Speakers

No matter what level your English is at, you had to work hard to bring yourself to that level. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished and don’t be too concerned with what other people think about it. They don’t know how many hours you’ve had to work to get to where you are. This also means you shouldn’t go around comparing yourself to other English speakers. Everybody is different; some people learn languages more easily than others and some people have spent more time working to improve their English.

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