Terms & Conditions


Student Statement of Rights

Before you enroll at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.
1. You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.
2. You have the right to a student enrollment contract that includes the following information:

Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.

3. You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.

4. You have the right to make a claim to PTIB for a tuition refund if:

You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program.

For more information about PTIB and how to be an informed student, go to:



Tuition Refund Policy

Circumstances When Refund is Payable. Amount of Refund
Before the program start date, RPI College receives a notice of withdrawal. (This applies to all students.)
No later than seven days after student signed the enrollment contract and before the program start date. 100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee. Related fees include: administrative fees, application fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course materials.
At least 30 days before the later of:
    a) The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance (international students)
    b) The program start date in the enrollment contract.
RPI College may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000.

RPI College must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
More than seven days after the student and institution signed the enrollment contract and less than 30 days before the later of:
    a) The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance (international students)
    b) The program start date in the enrollment contract
RPI College may retain up to 20% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,300.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
After the program start date, RPI College provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal. (This applies to all students, except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education.)
After the program start date and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided. RPI College may retain up to 30% of tuition.

Institution must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
After the program start date and after more than 10% but before 30% of instruction hours have been provided. RPI College may retain up to 50% of tuition.

RPI must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
Student does not attend program – “no-show.” (This applies to all students except those enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education.)
Student does not attend the first 30% of the program. RPI College may retain up to 50% of the tuition.

RPI College must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
RPI College receives a refusal of study permit. (This applies to international students requiring a study permit.)
Before 30% of instruction hours would have been provided, had the student started the program on the later of the following:
    a) The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance. (international students)
    b) The program start date in the enrollment contract.

Student has not requested additional Letter(s) of Acceptance.
100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee.
After the program start date, student withdraws or is dismissed (This applies to students enrolled in a program delivered solely by distance education.)
Student completed up to 30% of the program. RPI College may retain up to 30% of the tuition.

RPI must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
Student completed more than 30% but less than 50% of the program (based on evaluation provided to student). RPI College may retain up to 50% of the tuition.

RPI College must refund fees paid for course materials if not provided to the student.
Student enrolled in a program without having met the admission requirements for the program.
If the student did not misrepresent the student’s knowledge or skills when applying for admission and the registrar orders the institution to refund tuition and fees. 100% tuition and all related fees, including application fees
RPI College does not provide a work experience.
RPI College fails to provide the work experience within 30 days of the contract end date, unless the registrar determines RPI College was prevented from doing so by circumstances beyond its control. 100% tuition and all related fees, including application fees

RPI College must pay the tuition or fee refund within 30 days after receiving notice of withdrawal or refusal of study permit; providing a notice of dismissal, or the date on which the first 30% of the hours of instruction are provided (no-show).


Attendance Policy

1. The minimum attendance requirements for students are as follows:

2. The consequences for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:

3. The process by which students must report an absence is as follows:


Dismissal Policy

RPI College may dismiss a student from a program on any of the following grounds:

Under certain serious circumstances if a student’s enrollment at RPI College is detrimental or damaging to the other students or staff members, or to the atmosphere or safety of the school, the student may be dismissed from the school.

The following circumstances will result in immediate dismissal of a student without any prior warning.

Under certain circumstances, the student may be given a letter of warning for the inappropriate behaviors or actions they commit inside the school.

In these situations, the student will be called into the School Director’s office and be informed about his/her action and behavior. The student also has the opportunity to explain and clarify the situation. If there is no misunderstanding (there are CCTV footage and/or reliable witnesses, or the student accepts the inappropriate behavior or action), the student will receive a letter of warning. However, if the student shows the same or other inappropriate behavior or commits inappropriate actions for the second time, he/she may be dismissed after receiving the second letter of warning. Similar steps as in the first letter of warning will be taken to make sure that there is no misunderstanding of the situation.

Students may be dismissed after receiving the second letter of warning for the following actions:

The process by which a student may be dismissed from a program is as follows:

In case a student commits any of the above-mentioned situations, the student will be called in the school director’s office, and he/she will be informed about the school decision about his/her dismissal. The student will be given a formal letter of dismissal along with the details of the incident in question.

Important Note:

Any tuition refunds resulting from a dismissal will be paid out according to the refund policy.


Grade Appeal Policy

The process by which a student may appeal a grade received in a course at RPI College is as follows:

Students who may want to object to any of their grades at RPI College must present their complaint in writing to the Director of the Studies, who is responsible for handling the complaint. The student is required to submit the complaint within 24 hours after he/she receives the score.

Upon receiving the written complaint, the Director of Studies will take the following steps and timeline:

Contact information:

Director of Studies, info@rpicollege.ca



Dispute Resolution Policy



1. This policy governs complaints from students respecting RPI College and any aspect of its operations.

2. A student who makes or is otherwise involved in a complaint will not be subject to any form of retaliation by the institution at any time.

3. The process to make a complaint is as follows:

Student complaint must be made in writing. The student must provide the written complaint to Student Support who is responsible for making determinations in respect of complaints. If the person responsible at Student Support is absent or is named in a complaint, the student must provide the complaint to the Director of Studies. If the Director of Studies is absent or is named in the complaint, the student must provide the complaint to the School Director.

4. The process by which the student complaint will be handled is as follows:

The Student Support, Director of Studies, or School Director reviews the complaint. If the complaint is service related, he/she should be able to deal with the issue and provide a solution. If the problem is academic related, the complaint will be forwarded to the Director of Studies who will provide the student with a solution as soon as possible. Written reasons for the determination will be provided to the student within 30 days after the date on which the student made the complaint. The process will be available for at least one year after the student completed, was dismissed, or withdrew from the program.

Making a complaint poses no costs for the students.

5. A student dissatisfied with the institution’s final decision may file a claim with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) (www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca) on the grounds that the institution misled the student regarding a significant aspect of the program.

The time limit for filing the claim is one year after the student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.

6. A student making a complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.


Contact information:

Student Support, support@rpicollege.ca

Director of Studies, info@rpicollege.ca

School Director, Mohammadali Abouali (ma.abouali@rpicollege.ca)


Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy

RPI College is committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes the respectful and fair treatment of all students.

While on RPI College premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by RPI College the following activities are prohibited:

If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the following outlines the process for addressing the activity:


Sexual Misconduct Policy

1. RPI College is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to sexual misconduct.

2. Sexual Violence and Misconduct Policy Act (Chapter 3; 2016) considers the following actions and behaviors as sexual misconduct.

“Sexual Misconduct” includes sexualized violence and refers to any sexual act or act targeting an individual’s sexuality, gender identity, or gender expression, whether the act is physical or psychological in nature, that is committed, threatened, or attempted against an individual without that individual’s consent. The following list sets out examples of Sexual Misconduct. The list is intended to help RPI College students, staff members, and any other person directly or indirectly involved in activities directed by the school to understand the kinds of acts that will be considered Sexual Misconduct. The list is not exhaustive and other acts may constitute Sexual Misconduct under this Policy even if they do not appear in the list below. Sexual Misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following:

3. A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct.

A Complaint is when the person discloses or chooses to tell someone at the institution of an incident of sexual misconduct in order to seek support but may not want to make a formal report to police or the institution. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action. A Report can be made by the individual affected by the sexual misconduct or other members of the school who think the institution or police should be informed of the sexual misconduct.

4. A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.

5. The process for making a Complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

5.1. The student who is subject to any form of sexual misconduct (whether listed above or not) discloses the act to a staff member he/she trusts (e.g., teacher, counselor, manager).

5.2. The staff member will immediately direct this complaint to the Director of Studies. If this person is absent or named in the complaint, the complaint will be directed to the School Director.

5.3. The Director of Studies or School Director will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 24 hours and will decide if they need to make a formal report. This should be done after a thorough evaluation of the incident and considering the consequences of making a formal report.

5.4. If they do not wish to make a formal report, the complaint will be recorded.

6. The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

6.1. The institution will acknowledge the receipt of the Complaint in less than 24 hours.

6.2. Depending on the severity of the misconduct, different protective measures will be taken (e.g., changing class, ensuring there is no contact between the student and the alleged perpetrator).

6.3. The school will do its best to provide necessary and immediate confidential support and counselling by one of the staff members.

6.4. In more serious cases and if the student requires professional support and counselling, referral to a professional will be given.

7. The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows. This process explains the steps that need to be taken from the moment the student affected by sexual misconduct makes a complaint to making a formal Report:

7.1. The student who is subject to any form of sexual misconduct (whether listed above or not) discloses the act to a staff member he/she trusts (e.g., teacher, counselor, manager).

7.2. The staff member will immediately direct this complaint to the Director of Studies. If this person is absent or named in the complaint, the complaint will be directed to the School Director.

7.3. The Director of Studies or School Director will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 24 hours.

7.4. If the student chooses to make a Report, either a written or recorded statement will be taken by either the Director of Studies or School Director (unless the person is named in the complaint). Private translation can be provided if necessary.

7.5. The member of staff who prepares the Report will provide a written response within 72 hours with confirmation of follow-up steps.

8. The process for responding to a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

8.1. The institution will acknowledge the receipt of the Report in less than 24 hours.

8.2. Depending on the severity of the sexual misconduct, different protective measures will be taken (e.g., changing class, ensuring there is no contact between the student who is affected by sexual misconduct and the alleged perpetrator).

8.3. The institution will do its best to provide necessary and immediate confidential support and counselling by one of the staff members or professional counsellors outside the school.

8.4. The student who is affected by sexual misconduct will be given assistance in contacting law enforcement and help in reporting the matter to authorities.

8.5. Immediate protective measures will be taken to make sure that the student who is affected by sexual misconduct is not in contact with the alleged perpetrator before, during, and after the process of preparing and submitting the Report.

8.6. Guidance of law authorities will be followed by the institution and the institution will assist the student with professional support and counselling.

9. In all instances the institution will:

10. It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report.

11. Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.

12. All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:

Contact information:

Director of Studies, info@rpicollege.ca

School Director, Mohammadali Abouali (ma.abouali@rpicollege.ca)


This institution is certified by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB). Certified institutions must comply with regulatory requirements, including the requirement to have a Sexual Misconduct policy. For more information about PTIB, go to www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca